America Great Again

I usually do not consider politics worth writing about in my blog, but after extreme shocks, I feel compelled to react.

Today is the second presidential debate that I am not able to watch from the beginning to the end. It would be a sinful waste of time.

None of the two candidates can speak, none of the two has answers, none of the two respects those who ask them with exact, concrete answers. None of the two has any plans; political, social, economic, or else.

– What exactly are you going to do with the Obamacare problem?

– We are going to make America great again.

america-great-again– What exactly are you going to do with the Obamacare problem?

– We will fix it.

– How do you plan to protect American Muslims from discrimination and hatred?

– Oh, this is the most common question I’ve heard from people across the nation. But I’ll tell you: we are going to make America great again.

– How do you plan to protect American Muslims from discrimination and hatred?

– This is a great question. Thank you for asking it. Indeed, I see your problem, and I deeply feel your concern. We are going to fix this.

I truly believe that it doesn’t matter which of these two incompetent, miserable, egoistic, dumb, self-absorbed candidates will win. Both will destroy America – better said, what is left of it.

It really surprises me that a nation this big, and this full of brilliance, talent, and goodwill, is this unable to find a president apt and ready to keep this nation great as it would deserve.

(Of course, there is nothing surprising about it. While people participated in politics, they cared about their leaders. When people got absorbed by their own private lives’ issues and individual success, the importance of the common disappeared. Citizens grew indifferent to politics, which, therefore, got privatized by the business sphere. While “We, The People” used to choose the greatest of the cohort for leadership, “Business” is choosing the weakest marionettes for easy manipulation.)

1 Comment

  1. Tom Pautler

    It certainly is an ironic tragedy that a wealthy and [supposedly] well educated citizenry as ours can’t apply its collective intelligence to selecting even a small slate—perhaps four—of worthy presidential candidates. How can our population be so divorced from the serious realities of voting for a suitably fit individual? My dear, long-term friends in Canada think we’ve [Americans] have lost our collective mind; they ask how we can resolve the inherent dangers of placing our country’s resources (financial, military, commerce, manufacturing) in the hands of a national leader who seems so far removed from the magnitude of such responsibility. Can it be “just” an ego trip for the candidate? In my limited recall, earlier U.S. presidents seemed to take this all more seriously—much more so. I frequently ask myself how this has all changed so radically over the years. Obviously it has been an evolutionary process, but what has caused it? One might say that it reflects the priorities of the people who vote, but that process relies, finally, on the Electoral College, not on a direct democracy (as in Switzerland, for example). If it somehow hearkens back to the voter, what must that voter to to improve the quality of the voting effort and process? Its starts with the education of our young people; they grow to become voters. To me, this suggests that our social system [e.g., education] must become a much improved process. Do today’s young people understand the essence and history of a democratic system? Does it have its proper place and emphasis in today’s classrooms? I think our instruction in the role of civic engagement and social interaction plays a consummate role. Children don’t learn such critical components by accident. We all have a role, and it’s a crucial one. It begins with the parent(s).


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