Author Archive: Peter Ujj


John Taylor Gatto, Against School: How Public Education Cripples our Kids, and Why. Perfect article about schooling and education. Reading and analyzing it should be a must for every single teacher and student – not only in the US, but everywhere in the world. Voilà, some excerpt: I taught for thirty years in some of the worst schools in Manhattan, and in some of the best, and during that time I became an expert in…
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I’d like to help people. I feel the inner urge to be there for others. And I think big things. Like writing a self-help book full of clever sayings and eternal truths. And then I realize how fake I am: while I nurture heroic ideas in my desires and mind, I don’t even know the name of my immediate neighbors. Today, accidentally, I found out that she had been a nurse. Now a retired, soft-spoken, old…
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Stability yearned

Since man is a dynamically evolving, self-seeking existential experience, both his culture and his gods do necessarily change with him. Although in the midst of our vertiginous spiritual human evolution we yearn for at least one stable, static point of reference, and want our gods to be this point of stability, we need to realize that the type of gods that we have been creating and calling upon so far are neither static nor stable. We…
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I noticed that in company, especially in company of strangers, most people do not show their real face, but put on and play sham roles, hold the shield of imaginary personalities before themselves that they believe to be funny, marketable, fashionable, and trendy. It is though very easy to discriminate someone playing a role from being themself. Interestingly, these put-on roles and sham personalities are always much less interesting, original, and attractive than the real…
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What do we really celebrate on New Year’s Eve?

Around midnight, hideous clamor, and infernal noise woke me. Outside, explosions echoed throughout the streets, while my neighbors from all sides went crazy within their own little apartment-worlds, bursting into grotesque commotion. It happened to be the midnight of December 31. Since the world made it impossible for me to sleep, I couldn’t help but start ruminating. No apparent reason whatsoever to celebrate anything tonight, yet the world still does. Why? What special occasion is…
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Reading in the Modern Age

Great writing by Nicholas Carr on how the Internet affects reading. I cannot help but answer with Rob Weatherhead’s article Say It Quick, Say It Well – The Attention Span of a Modern Internet Consumer published on Rob Weatherhead is digital operations director at MediaCom. His following article is a professional reference about efficient advertisement and website construction techniques for the modern salesman. “Media organizations must adapt to cater for a generation of internet consumers who expect…
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